Slide into minimalism’s DMs (Decluttering Mantras)

I wanted to share the story of how I've slid into minimalism's DM's (Decluttering Mantas). 

Does the word minimalism conjure up stark, bland, sterile interiors for you?

To me, minimalism means that you don't have stuff in excess of what you need, love, and use. It's not an inventory or item count.

Your environment can still be stylish and colorful, even showcasing your favorite collection(s). 

I was recently reminded that I have minimalist traits when a friend asked if I had a storage unit.

If you've read my recent book Swipe Left on Clutter or the chapter titled, Long Distance, that I shared in a previous email, you know how I feel about off-site storage. 

It's is no. Absofruitly not. 

That prompted an incredulous, "so everything you own is in that small apartment?!" 


That small apartment is a micro studio, 257sq ft to be exact. The friend went on to say my apartment wasn't even full or cluttered. 

So how did I get here (without pulling teeth along the way)?

I've slid into minimalism's DM's (Decluttering Mantras) slowly and over time with these three lines:

I have everything I need. 
(This was my precursor to You Are Enough and You Have Enough. After my basic needs are met, this is a helpful reminder for me to not acquire in excess. As an artist is has also reminded me to start with what I have on hand.)

Store it at the store.
(Helpful as I live wayyyy to close to a novelty toy store with a rubber chicken museum to boot! I like to say that I know where the item sleeps at night if/when I need it. I believe I first read this in Outer Order | Inner Calm by Gretchen Rubin, highly recommend.)

You can't take it with you.
(whoa... Debbie Downer alert... but it's what I came to see after working with older adults for two decades. I attribute that work to my slow detachment to stuff.)

Any chance you don't like mantras?

Enter Dana K. White's container concept. With the container concept, the container sets the limit.

Sock drawer getting too full?! It's time to edit your socks, not designate another drawer to holding your excess.

You need functionality within that container. You need to be able to open the sock drawer, without stuffing or pulling to make it happen.

Your home is the container at large that you need to be able to sit in, sleep in, eat and do work in. 

Let me know if any of the above resonates with you or helps in any way. I'd love to hear your mantras and square footage! 

You are enough and you have enough, I’m glad we’ve had this post!



Banish guilty stuff from your home


Virtual Body Doubling this Spring.